Vodoča ( 07.05.2006 )
Today, on the Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Women, Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica celebrated Divine Liturgy in the monastery of Saint Leontius in Vodoča. At the Liturgy the present faithful partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.
“Secret learning is mirror to the mind and lamp to the consciousness. It withers fornication, curbs rage, expels wrath, abates pride, removes taking offence, exterminates despondency. Secret learning illumines the governing mind, drives out idleness, gives birth to compunction, lets in the fear of God, brings forth tears. To the monk it brings genuine humbleness of mind, compunctious vigil, still prayer. It is a treasury of prayer that dispels unseemly thoughts, defeats demons, and purifies the body. It trains to long-suffering and abstinence, and reminds one of the furnace of fire. It makes mind collected and free of fantasies, inspiring it to think of death only. Secret activity is filled with every good and adorned with every virtue. It is distant from all defiling. It is somewhere far away from all such things” (Abba Isaiah).