Strumica Diocese: News

Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas ( 27.03.2005 )

Today, at the beginning of the third week of the Great Lent, dedicated to Saint Gregory Palamas, in the church of the Saint in Strumica, Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica celebrated Divine Liturgy. The numberless faithful at the Liturgy partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.


“When man parts from all in the world: when he has renounced money and property, has rejected them and distributed to the poor (Luke 14:33) thus getting rid of cares, then the soul can devote herself to self-observation, as free from all that attracts her from outside and distracts her. And when the mind, having detached himself from all pertaining to senses, raises himself beyond the multitude of cares and beholds the inner man, his first effort is to wipe with mourning the disgusting mask he acquired through worldly wanderings and deceptions. After he takes of all that covered him formlessly, since the soul is no longer absorbed in various objects, he peacefully enters within his inner treasuries and prays in secret to the Father (Matt. 6:6). God then at first grants him the treasury of all the other gifts: peace and stillness of thoughts.” (Saint Gregory Palamas: On Passions, on Virtues and on the Fruits of Noetic Stillness)