Strumica Diocese: News

In the chapel of the Vodoča monastery of Saint Leontius ( 14.06.2005 )

Today, on the day of the Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher, in the chapel of Saints Gregory Palamas and Elder Joseph Spilaioti in the Vodoča monastery of Saint Leontius, Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica celebrated Divine Liturgy.













“The prayer must be said with the inner voice. But since initially the nous is not accustomed to it, it forgets to say the prayer. This is why you say it at times orally and at other times noetically. This happens until the nous gets its fill and grace begins to act within. This “action” of grace is the joy and delight you feel within yourself when you say the prayer, and you want to say it continuously. So when the nous takes over the prayer and this joy that I am writing about occurs, the prayer will be said unceasingly within you, without any effort on your part. (Elder Joseph Spilaioti)