Strumica Diocese: News

Church feast in Veljusa ( 20.09.2005 )

Today, on the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, by the years long tradition, from Strumica and the whole country as well a great number of faithful arrived in the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa in Veljusa. An all-night Vigil was performed by Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica and his hieromonks. The numberless faithful present at the festive Divine Liturgy partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.







“O Divine Virgin! How shall I glorify You, Who are a treasury of glory? They who remember You are sanctified only by mentioning You, to them who aspire towards You their mind becomes illumined, for it has been lifted to Divine heights; with You the spiritual eye is enlightened, and the Divine Spirit with You descends and illumines man’s mind, for You are Directress of all the graceful gifts, Who does not keep them for Herself, but hastens to overfill with grace the whole universe instead. The inexhaustible treasures are appointed a Director only to distribute them. Who would keep the treasure that cannot be reduced? Therefore, O Sovereign Lady, bestow on us in abundance those treasures, and if we show unworthy of receiving them, render us ready and measure them out for us Yourself, for all is given You in Your hands…











…You, who are a sanctified assembly and listen to my words, and are my, in Christ, rational flock and field, on the day of Her nativity offer the Mother of God a struggle for virtues and spiritual ascent. Man and women, old and young, rich and poor, elders and subject, and all people of every age, skill and learning, let no one among you remain fruitless, let no one be left without love nor as one who does not receive the spiritual seed, but with fervor let everyone receive the heavenly seed, and the word of salvation, offering a fruit undefiled and pleasing to God… and to Her Who gave birth to the Creator of all, and deified mankind, and turned the earth into heaven…!”

Venerable Gregory Palamas