On the feastday of Saints Methodius and Cyril
Today, on the feast of Saints Methodius and Cyril, Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica celebrated Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the chapel of Saints Gregory Palamas and Joseph the Spilaioti in the monastery in Vodoča.

“Now then, my brother, we must take care never to sever from Christ, and regularly keep in touch with Him through prayer. As for prayer, it should be preceded by attention, lest it happens as the prophet David says: “…let his prayer be counted as sin” (Ps. 109:7). During prayer, and especially before it, at your monastic task, guard yourself from unnecessary talks, so that you can pray afterwards undistracted and unharmed, since many words cause many misunderstandings. If you want to talk, Christ rejoices when His children turn to Him through prayer. Do not comfort yourself with spiritual conversations either when there is no holiness, because it starts with spiritual things and ends in gossip. If others talk or condemn and alike, that should not concern you, but your own sins and also seeking God’s mercy through the unceasing conversation Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner.” (Elder Paisius)