Prologue: hagiographies of the saints

On fasting
Holy communion
On confession
Spiritual father

The Holy Apostle Andrew
The Holy Apostle Andrew



Saint Gregentius, Bishop of Himyar     1/1/2013

He was a deacon at the church in Milan and had a numerous visions. By Divine Providence he was taken to Alexandria, where the Patriarch Proterus, according to a heavenly vision of his, consecrated him Bishop of Himyar (the land of Homerites), in Arabia Felix, which Saint Elesbaan (24 October) had just liberated from the tyrant ruler Dhu-Nowas, a convert to Judaism. Saint Gregory is remembered as a good shepherd and a great wonderworker. With the help of the pious king Abraha, he organized the Church of the Himyarites, built many temples and converted numerous Jews to Christianity. He wrought great and terrifying miracles by the power of his prayer; by his prayer before the impious Jews appeared the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, which led them to repent and receive Baptism. Saint Gregory governed the Church for thirty years. He fell asleep in the Lord in the year 552.