News and events

CHRIST IS RISEN! ( 05.05.2005 )





On the Sunday, on the feast of Christ’s Resurrection, in the monastery of the Holy Great-martyr Panteleimon in Nerezi, Archbishop Stephen of Ohrid and Macedonia celebrated his fiftieth birthday. At the formal reception in the monastery, high guests from among the Church and the leadership of the Macedonian State wished good health and a many years long life to His Beatitude, whose blessing may preserve the grace of the Resurrection upon us active, amen. For many years, Most Blessed!









“Cry out to the Lord whole earth, sing to His name, give praises to His glory!”

“Let the whole earth worship You, sing to Your name, Most High!”

“God, keep us and bless us!”

“May we come to know on earth Your way, amid all the peoples Your salvation!”

“This day was created by the Lord we to rejoice and exult on it!”