Prologue: hagiographies of the saints

On fasting
Holy communion
On confession
Spiritual father

St Basil the Great, a detail
St Basil the Great, a detail



Holy Martyr Ludmilla     9/29/2013

She was the grandmother of Saint Wenceslas, Prince of the Czechs and the wife of Prince Borivoy. She was a zealous Christian who converted many into Christianity. Her daughter-in-law was consumed by hatred for Saint Ludmilla, and sent two boyars to strangle her. Wenceslas buried the body of Saint Ludmilla in the Church of Saint George in Prague. Her holy relics worked many miracles. She suffered and died in Techin in the year 927. Saint Wenceslas, the great devotee of the orthodox faith, was killed by his brother Boleslav.