The Resurrection of Christ – Metropolitan of Strumica Nahum (01.05.2021)

On Macedonian Identity (22.06.2011)

Russian ambassador visiting the monastery in Vodocha (15.04.2010)

Came out published "Pastoral concern for the soul. A psychiatric aspect", a book by Dr. Dmitrij Avdeev (01.04.2010)

American ambassador visiting the monastery in Veljusa (24.03.2010)

Ten ambassadors-members of the French-speaking countries with the Minister for Foreign Affairs Antonio Miloshoski visiting monasteries in Vodocha and Veljusa (22.03.2010)

Synaxis for the feast of St. Basil the Great in the Monastery the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos in Vodocha (25.01.2010)
Burn, If You Desire to Be Luminous (Demystification of the mind-and-heart prayer or demystification of desperation)

Clothing in the Monastic Garments (07.01.2010)
Nativity of Christ

Christ is born! (07.01.2010)
Divine Liturgy in Strumica

Celebration in Štip of the festive day of Saint Nicolas, the protector of the town of Štip (19.12.2009)

Opening of the Therapeutic Centre “PROTECTION” in Vodoča (18.12.2009)

Divine Liturgy in Veljusa (13.12.2009)
He Must Increase, but I Must Decrease

Table Medal of the Holy Fifteen Martyrs of Tiberiopolis in rank of the Holy Macedonian Cross awarded in Strumica (11.12.2009)
At the festive day of the Holy Fifteen Martyrs of Tiberiopolis

Divine Liturgy in Veljusa (04.12.2009)

International Conference in Sofia (13.11.2009)

Visit of the Monastery St. John the Baptist in Beria (18.10.2009)

Visit of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God Monastery and the Centre for Rehabilitation and Re-socialisation in Vodoča (17.10.2009)

The Dormition of the Theotokos (28.08.2009)

The Transfiguration of the Lord (19.08.2009)
Homily by Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica

Divine Liturgy in Hamzali on the feast of Saint Clement of Ohrid (09.08.2009)
Let Us Revere and Love our Teacher

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (02.08.2009)
No Prophet Is Accepted in His Own Country

How is it that He eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners? (26.07.2009)

Fit for the Kingdom of God (19.07.2009)

American Ambassador Mr. Philip Reeker has visited Strumica Diocese (18.07.2009)

The Ph.D. dissertation of Metropolitan Nahum has been published (18.07.2009)

Flesh and Blood Has Not Revealed This to You (13.07.2009)

Divine Liturgy in Vodocha on the feast of Saint Nahum of Ohrid (03.07.2009)
A sower went out to sow

Divine Liturgy in Vodocha (28.06.2009)
No One Can Serve Two Masters

Star Dojran (27.06.2009)
A House on the Rock

Divine Liturgy in the Monastery of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God in Vodoča (21.06.2009)
Fishers of Men

Do not worry (18.06.2009)
Homily of Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica

Divibe Liturgy in Vodoča (15.06.2009)
In the Monastery of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (14.06.2009)
All Saints

Pentecost (07.06.2009)
Ascension into Pentecost

Visit (01.06.2009)
Teachers and students of the Primary School “Sando Masev” from Vodocha village in their visit of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God Monastery

Divine Liturgy in Vodocha (01.06.2009)
A Hardened Heart

Presentation of the Macedonian Edition of the book “Despondency and Depression – Similarities, Differences, Healing (Orthodox View)” by Dr. Dmitrii Avdeev (01.06.2009)

Vodocha (31.05.2009)
Divine Liturgy in the Monastery of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God

Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (30.05.2009)
In the Monastery of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God

“Asterfest” in Strumica (29.05.2009)
Life Story Portrait of the Bulgarian Movie Director Rangel Volchanov in the Most Holy Mother of God Eleusa Monastery

Ascention of Christ (28.05.2009)
Divine Liturgy in Strumica

Novice clothed in the monastic habit (27.05.2009)
In the Monastery in Vodoča

Divine Liturgy in Vodocha (27.05.2009)
On the feast of Saint Leontios Patriarch of Jerusalem

Divin Liturgy in Strumica (24.05.2009)
Sunday of the Blind Man

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (23.05.2009)

The Samaritan Woman (21.05.2009)

Students and Professors of the Faculty of Theology of the University in Sofia have visited the Monasteries of Strumica Diocese (17.05.2009)

Divine Liturgy in Bosilovo (15.05.2009)

Consistence (03.05.2009)

Divine Liturgy in the church of Saint George in Murtino (Strumica area) (03.05.2009)

Divine Liturgy in Vodocha (02.05.2009)
In the chapel of Saints Gregory Palamas and Elder Joseph Spilaioti in the Monastery of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God

Divine Liturgy in Vodocha (27.04.2009)
In the Monastery of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God

Divine Liturgy in the monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene in Star Dojran (26.04.2009)
Did not our heart burn within us (part two)

Divine Liturgy in Hamzali (25.04.2009)
In the Monastery dedicated to Saint apostle Paul, Holy Emperor Justinian I and Saint Clement of Ohrid

Divine Liturgy in the monastery of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos in Berovo (24.04.2009)
Did not our heart burn within us?

Divine Liturgy in the Monastery in Bansko (23.04.2009)

Divine Liturgy in the Monastery of Saint Anthony the Great in Novo Selo (22.04.2009)

Divine Liturgy in Vodocha (21.04.2009)
Christ is Risen!

Baptism in the Monastery of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God in Vodocha (20.04.2009)

Christ's Resurrection (20.04.2009)
Monastery of the Most Holy Motther of God Eleusa in Veljusa

Novice clothed in the monastic habit (19.04.2009)
In the Monastery of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God in Vodocha

Pascha in the Diocese of Strumica (19.04.2009)
Christ is Risen!

Monastic tonsure in the Monastery of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God in Vodocha (18.04.2009)

Monastic tonsure in the Monastery of Saint Anthony the Great in Novo Selo (18.04.2009)

Holy Saturday (18.04.2009)
In the Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of God Eleusa in Veljusa

The Same Spirit (17.04.2009)
A column by Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica for the daily "Dnevnik"

Holy Friday (17.04.2009)

Holy Thursday (16.04.2009)

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (12.04.2009)

We Have Crucified Christ Once Again (10.04.2009)
A column by Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica for the daily "Dnevnik"

Annunciation (07.04.2009)

Divine Liturgy in Strumica (05.04.2009)
Sunday of Venerable Mary of Egypt

Divine Liturgy in Strumica (29.03.2009)
Sunday of Saint John the Ladder

Divine Liturgy in Strumica (22.03.2009)
On Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross

The Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of God Eleusa in Veljusa (20.03.2009)

Visit (19.03.2009)
The American Ambassador in a visit of the Monastery in Vodoča

A vigil in honour of St. Gregory Palamas (16.03.2009)
In the Monastery of Saint George in Rajchica

Monasteries in Vodoča and Veljusa, on the Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas (15.03.2009)

Divine Liturgy in Vodoca (07.03.2009)
St. Theodore Saturday

Vespers on Forgiveness Sunday (01.03.2009)

Divine Liturgy in the Monastery in Vodoča (22.02.2009)
Sunday of the Last Judgment

Divine Liturgy (21.02.2009)
In the Monastery of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos in Vodoča

Consecration of a vinery in Hamzali (14.02.2009)

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (14.02.2009)
On the feastday of Holy Martyr Tryphon

Divine Liturgy (08.02.2009)
The Sunday of Publican and Pharisee

May He Forgive Me (24.01.2009)
Column by Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica in the Macedonian daily “Dnevnik”

Baptising in Strumica Diocese is free of charge (22.01.2009)
Interview with Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica

Great Blessing of Water (18.01.2009)
Of the Lake Dojran

Divine Liturgy in Strumica (18.01.2009)
On the Eve of Theophany

“Another Vision” (15.01.2009)
A book written by Sister Macrina

"Small Orthodox Prayer Book" (14.01.2009)
Fourth edition came out

Healing of the Paralytic (24.03.2008)

Fulfilled Prayer (16.03.2008)

Forgiveness, in practice (09.03.2008)
Divine Liturgy

The Dreadful Judgment Seat (02.03.2008)
Divine Liturgy

Sermon on the Prodigal Son (Part Two) (29.02.2008)

Sermon on the Prodigal Son (Part One) (24.02.2008)

Divine Liturgy (17.02.2008)
Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee

Meeting with the Mystery of Christ (15.02.2008)

The Feast of the The Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple (15.02.2008)
Divine Liturgy

The Repentance of Zacchaeus (10.02.2008)
Divine Liturgy

The Light of the World (09.02.2008)
Metropolitan of Strumica Nahum: Homily

True Testimony (01.02.2008)

Homework (30.01.2008)
Homily of Metropolitan of Strumica Nahum on today's Gospel reading

We are justly condemned… (25.01.2008)
Divine Liturgy

The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few… (21.01.2008)

Union by Essence, Union by Hypostasis, and Union by Energy (19.01.2008)

Circumcision, in Heart and Ears (14.01.2008)
Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran

Unworthy Servants (05.01.2008)
Divine Liturgy, Star Dojran

Neither will I tell you… (03.01.2008)

Have Faith in God… (02.01.2008)
Divine Liturgy, Star Dojran

Now, since some people seek other things (30.12.2007)
The Gospel reading about the blind man

Love of Worms (29.12.2007)
Homily on the today's Gospel reading

Star Dojran, Divine Liturgy (15.12.2007)
On ‘the Lowest Place’

Divine Liturgy, Star Dojran (09.12.2007)
Renunciation of Christ for the world or extreme renunciation of the world for Christ

Divine Liturgy (25.11.2007)
Whose will those things be which you have provided?

Star Dojran, Divine Liturgy (24.11.2007)
Full man

Do not rejoice in My gifts, but rather rejoice in Me (23.11.2007)
Toše's commemoration

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (18.11.2007)
When I return, I will repay you

My yoke is easy and My burden is light… (17.11.2007)

Divine Liturgy in Strumica (08.11.2007)
If you were of the world, the world would love its own

Whether We Live or Die, We Are Our Lord’s (24.10.2007)
Synaxis at Vodoča monastery

Divine Liturgy on the day of Saint Andrew, a Fool for Christ (15.10.2007)
“Grace from our hearts manifests itself as forgiveness, non-condemnation, and love.”

The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos (14.10.2007)
Personal Experience – The Road to Knowledge

Divine Liturgy, Star Dojran (08.10.2007)
Do you love me?

Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the village of Rusinovo, Berovo (07.10.2007)
The evil inside you corrupts you

Bansko monastery (30.09.2007)
Consecrated foundations of the new quarters

Hierarchical Divine Liturgy (30.09.2007)
In the monastery of Saint George and Saint Anthony the Great in Novo Selo

Divine Liturgy in Hamzali (29.09.2007)

Filial Relationship – The Mystery of Obedience (23.09.2007)
Divine Liturgy in Vodoča

A Time for Fear and Paranoia or a Time for Repentance (16.09.2007)
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in Vodoča

Vodoča (06.09.2007)
Divine Liturgy

Leave-taking of Dormition in Vodoča (05.09.2007)
We cannot serve both God and mammon

Berovo (28.08.2007)
On the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God

Anniversary (27.08.2007)

Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in Strumica (26.08.2007)
Homily on the Gospel about the Vinedressers

The Holy Transfiguration of Christ (19.08.2007)
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

Vodoča (08.07.2007)
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

Homily on the Gospel about the Demoniacs (05.07.2007)
Synaxis in the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa in Veljusa

“Inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me” (Matt. 25:45) (08.12.2006)
A Brief Comment on the Common Declaration by Pope Benedict XVI and Patriarch Bartholomew I

Institute for Sociological, Political and Legal Research in Skopje (14.07.2006)
Defense of a doctoral thesis

Baptism (03.07.2006)
In the waters of Smolare Waterfall

Pentecost (11.06.2006)
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the cathedral in Strumica

Motorcycling assembly in Skopje (10.06.2006)
Night Wolves MG

Star Dojran (05.06.2006)
Divine Liturgy

Concert (04.06.2006)
In the monastery of the Fifteen Holy Hieromartyrs of Tiberiopolis, Strumica

Vodoča (04.06.2006)
Episcope Methodius today celebrated Divine Liturgy in the monastery of St. Leontius

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (04.06.2006)
Sunday of the Holy Fathers

Star Dojran, Divine Liturgy (03.06.2006)
On the feastday of the holy emperors Constantine and Helen

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (02.06.2006)
On the day of the holy Martyr Thalelaeus

The Holy Ascension of Christ (01.06.2006)
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in Strumica

In the church of Saints Maximus the Confessor and Gregory Palamas in Star Dojran (30.05.2006)
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

Wedding in Vodoča (28.05.2006)

In the chapel of Saints Gregory Palamas and Joseph the Spilaioti (28.05.2006)
Divine Liturgy

Weddings (27.05.2006)
In the cathedral of Saints Methodius and Cyril in Strumica

Star Dojran, Hierarchical Divine Liturgy (27.05.2006)

Vodoča (26.05.2006)
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

Wedding (25.05.2006)
In the monastery of Saint Leontius in Vodoča

Consecrated foundations of a new Baptistery in the village of Murtin (25.05.2006)

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (25.05.2006)
In the church of Saints Maximus the Confessor and Gregory Palamas

On the feastday of Saints Methodius and Cyril (24.05.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča

A visit to cathedral of Saint Sabas in Belgrade (23.05.2006)

Croatia, Divine Liturgy (23.05.2006)
On the day of the holy Apostle Simeon the Zealot and the Venerable Isidora the Fool for Christ

Zagreb (22.05.2006)
Lecture at the Catholic Faculty of Theology

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (22.05.2006)

Skopje (21.05.2006)
Baptism in the church of Saint Demetrius

Baptism (21.05.2006)
In the monastery of Saint Panteleimon in Nerezi

Matka (21.05.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Star Dojran (20.05.2006)
Divine Liturgy

Baptism in Veljusa (19.05.2006)

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (19.05.2006)
In honour of the holy Righteous and Long-Suffering Job

A visit to the monastery in Veljusa (18.05.2006)

Divine Liturgy (18.05.2006)
In the chapel of Saints Gregory Palamas and Joseph the Spilaioti in Vodoča

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (17.05.2006)
On the day of the Venerable Nicephorus the Hesychast

Vodoča (16.05.2006)
Divine Liturgy

Divine Liturgy (13.05.2006)
In the Vodoča monastery

Vodoča, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (12.05.2006)
On the day of St. Basil of Ostrog

Formal opening of the scientific symposium “Skopje between Antique and Modern Times” (11.05.2006)
Introductory word

All-night Vigil (11.05.2006)
In the monastery of Saint Leontius in Vodoča

Vodoča (10.05.2006)
Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica meets with the Mayor of Strumica Municipality

Star Dojran (10.05.2006)
Divine Liturgy

Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (09.05.2006)
In the chapel of Saints Gregory Palamas and Joseph the Cave-Dweller

Visit (08.05.2006)

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (08.05.2006)
On the day of the Holy Apostle Mark

Baptism (08.05.2006)
In the spring near the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa in Veljusa

Vodoča (07.05.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

On the feast of the Holy Great-martyr George (06.05.2006)
Star Dojran, Divine Liturgy

Sekirnik (06.05.2006)
Residents convene an Assembly

Divine Liturgy in the monastery in Vodoča (05.05.2006)
On the day of the Venerable Theodore of Sykeon

The book “Starec Porfirij” comes out (05.05.2006)

Divine Liturgy (04.05.2006)
Star Dojran

Berovo (03.05.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the monastery of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God

In the Skete of St. Gregory the Hesychast (02-05-2006)
Divine Liturgy

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (01.05.2006)

Star Dojran (30.04.2006)
Hierarch’s Diviner Liturgy in the monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene

In the monastery of Saint Anthony the Great, Novo Selo (29.04.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Bansko (28.04.2006)
The Life-giving Spring of the Most Holy Theotokos

Visit of the “Night Wolves – Macedonia” Motor Club members (27.04.2006)

Hamzali (27.04.2006)
Christ is risen!

Wedding (26.04.2006)

Archbishop Stephen of Ohrid and Macedonia visits the monasteries in Star Dojran and Veljusa (26.04.2006)

Consecration of new house foundations (26.04.2006)
In Skopje

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (26.04.2006)

Novice clothed in the monastic raso and tonsured as reader

Vodoča (25.04.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy on the third day of Christ’s Resurrection

Pascha (24.04.2006)
In the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa in Veljusa

CHRIST IS RISEN! (23.04.2006)

Great and Holy Saturday (22.04.2006)
In the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa

The Lamentations (21.04.2006)
In the church of Saints Methodius and Cyril in Strumica

Twelve Gospels (20.04.2006)
In the church of Saints Methodius and Cyril

Liturgy of St. Basil on the Great and Holy Thursday (20.04.2006)
In the chapel of the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos in Veljusa

Palm Sunday (16.04.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Strumica

Lazarus’ Saturday (15.04.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the monastery of Saints Clement and Nahum in Hamzali

Veljusa (13.04.2006)

Dojran (12.04.2006)

Requiem Service in the church of Saint Parasceva in Skopje (11.04.2006)
For the rest of the soul of Spasija

The Administrator of the European Diocese, Episcope Poemen, celebrates Divine Liturgy in Pehčevo (09.04.2006)
Sunday of Venerable Mary of Egypt

Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica celebrates Divine Liturgy in Berovo (09.04.2006)
Disagreements resolved

Assembly of the Holy Archangel Gabriel (08.04.2006)
Vodoča, Divine Liturgy in the chapel of Saints Gregory Palamas and Joseph the Spilaioti

Annunciation (07.04.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Strumica

Episcope Poemen of Poljana celebrates Divine Liturgy in the church of Saint Gregory Palamas in Strumica (02.04.2006)
Ordination to priesthood

Sunday of Saint John of the Ladder (02.04.2006)
Hierarch’s Liturgy and ordination to deaconate in the church of Saints Methodius and Cyril in Strumica

Vigil (01.04.2006)
Monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa in Veljusa

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Strumica (19.03.2006)
On the Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas

Two novices clothed in the monastic raso and tonsured as readers (19.03.2006)
In the brotherhood of the monastery of Saints Clement and Nahum in Hamzali

Sunday of Orthodoxy (14.03.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the Veljusa monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa

In honour of the Holy Hieromartyr Haralambos (23.02.2006)
Divine Liturgy in the monastery in Veljusa

Strumica (19.02.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the church of Saints Methodius and Cyril

Visit (18.02.2006)
High representatives of the United Methodist Church visit the monastery in the Strumica Diocese

The Meeting of the Lord (15.02.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the church of Saint Gregory Palamas in Strumica

Monastic tonsure in the monastery in Bansko (12.02.2006)

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Prilep (12.02.2006)
In honour of the feast of the Three Hierarchs

Highest representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party on a visit to the monastery in Vodoča (12.02.2006)

Visit (11.02.2006)
Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica visits the village of Sekirnik

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (10.02.2006)
Ordination into priesthood

Monastic tonsure in the monastery in Vodoča (10.02.2006)
On the day of Saints Ephraim the Syrian and Isaac the Syrian

Divine Liturgy in Veljusa (05.02.2006)
In the chapel of the holy Apostle Paul and Saint Gregory Palamas

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (22.01.2006)
In the chapel of Saints Gregory Palamas and Joseph the Spilaioti

Great Blessing of Water on the Theophany (19.01.2006)
At Lake Dojran

Theophany (19.01.2006)

In honor of Saint Seraphim of Sarov (15.01.2006)
Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran

Veljusa (14.01.2006)
On the feast of the Circumcision of Christ

Christ is born! (07.01.2006)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the Strumica church of Saints Methodius and Cyril

Nativity of Christ (06.01.2006)
Monastic tonsure

Saint Parasceva, Skopje (05.01.2006)
From the all-night Vigil in the New Year’s night

A visit to the monastery in Veljusa (25.12.2005)
The children from the special school in Novo Selo together with the Mayor of the Strumica municipality have visited the monastery

Star Dojran, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (19.12.2005)
On the feast of Saint Nicholas

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy on the day of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called (13.12.2005)
Monastery complex St. Parthenius of Zographou

Baptism in Veljusa (10.12.2005)

A visit to the Faculty of Islamic Studies in Kondovo (Skopje area) (09.12.2005)

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy at Plaošnik (08.12.2005)
On the occasion of the feast of Saint Clement of Ohrid

Veljusa (05.12.2005)
Divine Liturgy

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Veljusa (04.12.2005)
On the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God

Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos (03.12.2005)
Monastic tonsure

Star Dojran (03.12.2005)
Divine Liturgy

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (02.12.2005)
New church of the Venerable Parasceva

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Strumica (27.11.2005)
In honour of Saint Gregory Palamas

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (24.11.2005)
In the monastery of Saint Leontius in Vodoča

Veljusa in snow (23.11.2005)

In honor of the Holy Archangel Michael (21.11.2005)
Divine Liturgy in the chapel of the Vodoča monastery of St. Leontius

Strumica (20.11.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Divine Liturgy in the church of Saint Gregory Palamas (19.11.2005)
Star Dojran

Vodoča, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (18.11.2005)
On the day of the Holy Martyrs Galaction and Episteme

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (17.11.2005)
Markov monastery

Veljusa (13.11.2005)
Divine Liturgy officiated by Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica

Wedding (12.11.2005)
In the monastery of Saint Leontius in Vodoča

Star Dojran (12.11.2005)
Divine Liturgy in the church of Saints Gregory Palamas and Maximus the Confessor

Strumica (11.11.2005)
Participants of the Perinatalogical section have visited the Veljusa and Vodoča monasteries

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (11.11.2005)
Vodoča, on the day of the Holy Martyr Anastasia the Roman

Vodoča (10.11.2005)
Divine Liturgy in the chapel of Saint Leontius’ monastery

Baptism (09.11.2005)
In the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa

Star Dojran (09.11.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy on the day of the Holy Martyr Nestor

The Minister of Defense of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Jovan Manasievski, visits the monasteries in Veljusa and Vodoča (08.11.2005)

Strumica, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (08.11.2005)
In honour of the Holy Great-martyr Demetrius

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Strumica (06.11.2005)
In the monastery of the Fifteen Holy Hieromartyrs of Tiberiopolis

A visit to the Institute for Protection and Rehabilitation in Bansko (04.11.2005)

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (23.10.2005)
On the day of Saint Theophilus of Strumica

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (21.10.2005)
On the day of the Venerable Pelagia and Thais

Hamzali (20.10.2005)
Enlarged brotherhood

Baptism (13.10.2005)

On Kožuf (13.10.2005)
On a visit to the ski-resort under construction

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (11.10.2005)
On the day of the Venerable Chariton the Confessor

Star Dojran (09.10.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (08.10.2005)
In the chapel of Saints Gregory Palamas and Elder Joseph the Spilaioti in Vodoča

Highest representatives of the Socialist Party of Macedonia on a visit to the monasteries in the Strumica diocese (07.10.2005)

A visit to Belgrade (07.10.2005)

Baptism (07.10.2005)

Vodoča (03.10.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the monastery of Saint Leontius

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (01.10.2005)
In the chapel of the Holy Hesychasts

Ljubanci, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (30.09.2005)
In Saint Nicholas’ monastery

In the skete of Saint Gregory the Silent (28.09.2005)
Divine Liturgy

Exaltation of the Holy Cross (27.09.2005)

Star Dojran (24.09.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Divine Liturgy in Veljusa (22.09.2005)
In honor of the Holy and Righteous ancestors of God Joachim and Anna

Baptism (22.09.2005)

Church feast in Veljusa (20.09.2005)
On the feast day of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos

The prime minister of the Government of R. Macedonia visits the monastery in Vodoča

Divine Liturgy (08.09.2005)
In the chapel of the Vodoča monastery

Consecration of the premises of the Macedonian Directorate for Money Laundering Prevention (05.09.2005)
in Skopje

Baptism in Veljusa (05.09.2005)

Mizar in concert (31-08-2005)
A contribution to the construction of the new cathedral in Strumica

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the monastery of Saint Leontius in Vodoča (28.08.2005)
On the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos

10 years from the consecration of Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica (27.08.2005)
For many years, Master!

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Veljusa (21.08.2005)
On the day of the holy Martyr Spaso of Radoviš

Divine Liturgy (20.08.2005)
In the female monastery in Veljusa

The Transfiguration of the Lord (19.08.2005)
In the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa in Veljusa

Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (16.08.2005)

Veljusa (15.08.2005)
Divine Liturgy celebrated by Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica

Divine Liturgy (13.08.2005)
In the chapel of the Vodoča monastery

In the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa in Veljusa (12.08.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (11.08.2005)
In the church of the holy Tsar Nicholas in Star Dojran

A new monastery of the holy Prophet Elijah (10.08.2005)
on the mountain Elenica above the city of Strumica

Vodoča (10.08.2005)
Divine Liturgy in the chapel of Saint Leontius’ monastery

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Veljusa (09.08.2005)
In honour of the feast of Saint Clement of Ohrid

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in honor of St. Elijah the prophet (02.08.2005)
In the demolished cathedral in Star Dojran

Professor of the Theological Seminary Saint Herman of Alaska visited the monastery in Veljusa (28.06.2005)

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (28.06.2005)

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (27.06.2005)
In Star Dojran

Wedding (27.06.2005)
In the cathedral in Skopje

In Star Dojran Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica (20.06.2005)
On the second day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles

Pentecost from Christ’s Resurrection (19.06.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča

The president of the Commission for relations with religious communities and groups on a visit to the Strumica Diocese monasteries (18.06.2005)

In the chapel of the Vodoča monastery of Saint Leontius (14.06.2005)
Divine Liturgy

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (13.06.2005)
In the church of Saint Gregory Palamas in Strumica

Students from Bulgaria, Albania and Serbia on a visit to the Strumica Diocese (12.06.2005)
In organisation of the World Macedonian Congress

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (12.06.2005)
Sunday of the Holy Fathers

Baptism (12.06.2005)
In Vodoča monastery

Motorcycle gathering in Skopje (12.06.2005)
“Easy Riders International Motofestival”

Baptism (11.06.2005)
In the spring in the vicinity of the Veljusa monastery

In the chapel of the monastery in Vodoča (11.06.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Star Dojran (10.06.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Wedding (09.06.2005)
In the monastery of Staint Leothius in Vodoča

Christ’s Ascension (09.06.2005)
Hierarch’s Liturgy in Strumica

In the chapel of Saints Gregory Palamas and Elder Joseph Spilaioti (07.06.2005)

Vodoča (06.06.2005)
On the day of Saint Simeon the Stylite of the Wonderful Mountain

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (05.06.2005)
Sunday of the Blind man

In the church of Saints Gregory Palamas and Maximus the Confessor in Star Dojran (04.06.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (02.06.2005)
The mystery of spiritual life lies in ceaseless remembrance of God (Saint Theophan the Recluse)

Vodoča (01.06.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (29.05.2005)
Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (26.05.2005)
In the chapel of the Holy hesychasts

Vigil in Veljusa (24.05.2005)
In honour of Saints Methodius and Cyril

Baptism (22.05.2005)
“Grace descends on the child’s soul…”

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (21.05.2005)
From the counsels of Abba Dorotheus

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (20.05.2005)
Counsel 46, Second Century on Love by St Maximus the Confessor

“Saint Theodosius” monastery printing house in Bansko (19.05.2005)
First monastery printing house in Macedonia

High representatives of the Macedonian Telecommunications on a visit to the Strumica Diocese monasteries

Berovo (18.05.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the monastery of the Holy Archangel Michael

Veljusa (17.05.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the chapel of Saint Gregory Palamas

Vodoča, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (16.05.2005)
In the chapel of the Holy hesychasts in the monastery of the Holy Great-martyr Leontius

Baptism in Veljusa (15.05.2005)

Star Dojran, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (15.05.2005)
I beseech your love…

Berovo (14.05.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos

The project for a new cathedral in Strumica (13.05.2005)
Illustrations from this evening’s promotion

Vodoča (13.05.2005)
Divine Liturgy in the skete of Saint Gregory the Silent

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (12.05.2005)
Markov monastery

Nerezi (11.05.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Veljusa (08.05.2005)
Homily on detachment from the mundane…/excerpt

Wedding (08.05.2005)
In the Veljusa church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos

Thomas Sunday (08.05.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Strumica

Dressing into the monastic raso (07.05.2005)
In the Bansko brotherhood of the Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

Wedding in the church of Saint Gregory Palamas (07.05.2005)
He who loves Christ…

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Strumica (07.05.2005)
In the town cemetery church

CHRIST IS RISEN! Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Novo Selo (06.05.2005)
Bright Friday

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene (05.05.2005)
Star Dojran

Bansko (04.05.2005)
Christ’s Resurrection

Christ’s Resurrection (03.05.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Hamzali

CHRIST IS RISEN! (02.05.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Veljusa

CHRIST IS RISEN! (30.04.2005)

Putting on the monastic habit (30.04.2005)
On the eve of Christ’s Resurrection

Great and Holy Saturday in Veljusa (30.04.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Lamentation of Christ (29.04.2005)
In the Strumica cathedral

Strumica, Great and Holy Friday (29.04.2005)
Royal Hours, Vespers

From the worship services on the Great and Holy Thursday (28.04.2005)
Vigil in the church of Saints Methodius and Cyril

from the Hierarch’s Liturgy on Great Thursday in Strumica (28.04.2005)

Palm Sunday (24.04.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Berovo

Strumica, Lazarus’ Saturday (23.04.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the church of Saint Gregory Palamas

Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt in Hamzali (17.04.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Star Dojran, Hierarchs Divine Liturgy (16.04.2005)
In the monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene

Veljusa, the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa (13.04.2005)

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (11.04.2005)
Sunday of Saint John of the Ladder

Hamzali (09.04.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Annunciation in Veljusa (Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy) (07.04.2005)
What rendered the Most Pure Virgin worthy of giving birth to Christ?

Sunday of the Adoration of the Holy Cross (03.04.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the church of Saints Methodius and Cyril in Strumica

Veljusa (01.04.2005)
Baptism at Crvenec

Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas (27.03.2005)
Strumica, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the church of the Venerable

Ordination into priesthood (26.03.2005)
In the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa in Veljusa

Springtime in Veljusa (23.03.2005)

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa
New ordination of a hieromonk

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (19.03.2005)
In the cathedral of Saint Leontius in Vodoča

School for Hesychasm (book I) published and ready for distribution (16.03.2005)
the English edition underway

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the church of Saint Maximus (08.03.2005)
Star Dojran

Divine Liturgy in the chapel of the Holy hesychasts (07.03.2005)

Wedding in the church of Saint Parasceva (07.03.2005)

Vodoča (06.03.2005)
A visit of representatives of the Italian Embassy to the monastery of St. Leontius

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (06.03.2005)
Counsel on love (Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov)

Star Dojran
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Strumica (04.03.2005)
A Mental Health Centre has been opened

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (04.03.2005)
In the chapel of Saint Gregory Palamas in Vodoča

Vodoča (28.02.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Vodoča, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (27.02.2005)
Sunday of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)

Hierach’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (26.02.2005)
Counsel 280 (Saint Symeon the New Theologian)

Star Dojran, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (25.02.2005)
Counsel 208 (Saint Symeon the New Theologian)

Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (24.02.2005)
Counsel 71 (Saint Symeon the New Theologian)

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (22.02.2005)
He who suffers much in his heart when disgraced… (St Symeon the New Theologian)

Bansko (21.02.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Ablanica (20.02.2005)
The construction of the church dedicated to the Holy Martyrs Kiriaki and Parasceva nearly completed

Vodoča (20.02.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (19.02.2005)

Strumica (18.02.2005)
“Saint Elisabeth” Daily Centre for Reception, Treatment, and Further Healing of Addiction Illnesses has been opened

Star Dojran, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (18.02.2005)
The thing required is much silence and humility… (Abba Sisoes)

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy
Star Dojran

The Meeting of the Lord
Hierarchs’ Divine Liturgy in Štip

Saint Tryphon (14.02.2005)
Hierarchs’ Divine Liturgy in Kavadarci

In the church of Saints Maximus the Confessor and Gregory Palamas (13.02.2005)
Star Dojran

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Prilep (12.02.2005)
In honour of the feast of the Holy Three Hierarchs

School for Hesychasm
the new book by Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica to be published

Veljusa, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy
Hesychia of the soul

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (06.02.2005)
About the prayer which exiles the thoughts

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the chapel of the Holy hesychasts (23.01.2005)
in Vodoča

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Vodoča (20.01.2005)
‘I am not the Christ, but, I have been sent before Him…’

Theophany (19.01.2005)
On the Lake Dojran

Strumica, Hierarch’s Liturgy on the feast of Theophany of the Lord (19.01.2005)
In church of Saints Methodius and Cyril

Hierarch’s Liturgy in the church of Saints Maximus the Confessor and Gregory Palamas (14.01.2005)
in Star Dojran

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in Star Dojran (13.01.2005)
…the believer looks for the judgment of the Lord’s word (archimandrite Sophrony)

Star Dojran (12.01.2005)
Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the church of St. Maximus

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy (10.01.2005)
Star Dojran

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy in the chapel of the Holy hesychasts (09.01.2005)
in Vodoča

Baptism (09.01.2005)
On the day of the Synaxis of the Holy Mother of God

Christ is born! (08.01.2005)

Christ is born! (07.01.2005)
Strumica, Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy

Star Dojran (05.01.2005)
The Venerable Nahum of Ohrid

Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy, Star Dojran (04.01.2005)
Yet God saved us, not because of any good things we had done (Tit. 3 : 3, 5)

Divine Liturgy in Veljusa – the whole cosmos serves man’s existence (03.08.2004)
The world is created to become a big man – macroanthropos