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Presentation of the Macedonian Edition of the book “Despondency and Depression – Similarities, Differences, Healing (Orthodox View)” by Dr. Dmitrii Avdeev ( 01.06.2009 )

The book of Dr. Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Avdeev, titled “Despondency and Depression – Similarities, Differences, Healing (Orthodox View)” has been edited by the Monastery of Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God Eleusa from Strumica, and in translation of Mrs. Irena Kepeska. Dr. Avdeev is an Orthodox doctor-psychiatrist, medical psychologist, doctor of medical science and graduated post-diploma studies of the Faculty of Theology of the “Luchian Blago” University from Romania, on the subject: Pastoral psychology and psychiatry, orthodox view of the psychiatry and church help to psychically ill people. The presentation of this exceptional book took place in the recently open bookstore “Icon” in the centre of Skopje. The presentation was lead by Dr. Vilma Vukovich, and the Metropolitan of Canada and America Methodius held a conferral speech, too.