News and events

New Orthodox Temple in Japan ( 16.12.2009 )

At 11th of January 2010, in Nagoya, Japan the new temple of the Japanese Orthodox Church (autonomy Church under jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church) will be sanctified. This temple will be dedicated to the Holy Epiphany.

The act of sanctification will be done by the Metropolitan of Tokyo and all Japan, Daniel (Daniil) in co-celebration of the Senday’s Bishop Seraphim and the clergy of the new temple. In this occasion in the a special Icon has been painted, in which all Moscow Saints are presented.

The Orthodox Parish of Nagoya has been founded in the far 1880, as for their religious requirements, the parishioners were using a house in which they have constructed a temple dedicated to Saint Epiphany.           

In 1990 they succeeded to rent appropriate piece of land, and in 2008 the complete construction-technical documentation, which was necessary for the construction of the temple has been prepared. At the beginning of June this year, the act of placing the first stone in the foundations has been done, and in October 2009, the construction has been finished. At October the 12th, the dome with the cross was festively installed on the roof of the temple.

Today, the Japanese Orthodox Church has three dioceses, two archpriests, twenty-three priests and twelve deacons. The full number of the parishes is 67, and in Japan there are about ten thousand parishioners.


Source: Дверибг.нет